The Re’HEAR’sal

Deba Prasad Badajena
8 min readJun 13, 2021


Disclaimer: Not intended for any personality, living or dead. The correlation of the instances-translations-incidence is a mere coincidence. XD.

Certainly not for KIDS!! While the earlier parts were about DOUBTS and SELF LOVE, this is more of a Trivia and Reality! Not a romanticizing blog, hence, read at your own risk. :).

Birth, Life, Death. Inevitable. Consciously or otherwise, we are the actors of our actions! At least, we think we are. Lets us (at least try) to see this. But this is not a social science blog but related to society definitely. You vs Your Future Version and Satisfactory life + Why are you the way you are. :-)

Part 1: The He in Her, The He in re’HEAR’se

Did you ever happen to read a diary you kept as a child or a teenager? Your teenage thoughts/lives? How differently you feel like the person who wrote those lines? Different, right? If you aren’t a keen diary keeper like me, let us consider this. The last couple of times you introduced yourself during a formal or informal interview. Every time, you do so, you say something different. Possibly? Or at least different from the introduction you used to give a couple of years back? Adding or subtracting new skills or talents or hobbies with time, maybe.

As much as you are unequivocal that your identity can never change, it will. It is the only obvious thing in life except for death. Surprisingly, you are representing a different version in a different time phase. Throughout your life, you ought to develop new tastes and be influenced by the people you meet, the books you read, the places you visit, or even the new culture you are a part of. The only thing that will remain is your sense of being you.

Your continuity lies in the magical “I” that you start your introduction or appreciation with, although the person it refers to is different over time. So, the ‘YOU’ character, which got into a relationship, years ago, will change — and is evolving as you read this. As the same slow-moving process of transformation happens to each fragment of a couple, maintaining reciprocities is challenging. It’s easy to think that the noteworthy correlation you have in your relationship is often granted. Just because you fell for each other might not always mean that you’ll always be right for each other. A couple who fails to get quality time together, talk regularly, open up and agree to disagree, know — in this situation the feeling of discrepancy too well. It is the annoyance of discovering that, sometimes, you now have a stranger in front of you. The stranger, you once fell in love with. The chaos, the chase — All Gone.

An excerpt from Paulo Coehlo’s book I went to a train station today and learned that the distance between railway tracks is always 143.5 centimetres, or 4 feet 8.5 inches. Why this absurd measurement? When they built the first train carriages, they used the same tools as they had for building horse-drawn carriages. And why that distance between the wheels on carriages? Because that was the width of the old roads along which the carriages had to travel. And who decided that the roads should be that wide? Well, suddenly, we are plunged back into the distant past. It was the Romans, the first great road builders, who decided to make their roads that wide. And why? Because their war chariots were pulled by two horses, and when placed side by side, the horses they used to that time took up 143.5 centimetres. So the distance between the tracks I saw today, used by our state-of-the-art high-speed trains, was determined by the Romans. When people went to the United States and started building railways there, it didn’t occur to them to change the width and so it stayed as it was. This even affected the building of the space shuttles. American engineers thought the fuel tanks should be wider, but the tanks were built in Utah and had to be transported by train to the Space Center in Florida, and the tunnels couldn’t take anything wider. And so they had to accept the measurement that the Romans had decided was the ideal.

Pervading, the changes occur so slowly that nothing tangible seems to happen at first. But then, the ground opens. A gigantic fault that engulfs all the feelings and all the memories. The hairline fracture turns into a canyon. The fucked up part is that you get hurt whether you choose to hurt or choose to stay. In the end, moving on isn’t about not loving someone anymore and forgetting them. It’s about having the strength to say I still love you, but you are not worth the pain.

Ah. Whatever. Failed to observe the changes, hence the consequences!

“And as ridiculous as it may sound, sometimes all any of us needs in life is for someone to hold our hand and walk next to us.”

(But. Let US Meet Again. For the First Time. :-) )

Part 2: Hear before Rehear. Or Vision before Re-Vision!

Interestingly, Suicide is more of a social phenomenon than a psychological phenomenon. There are even types of SUICIDE: Due to forces of Integration [Altruistic: Courageous act due to too much attachment and love, (JIHAAD or WAR SACRIFICES) and Egoistic: Depression, desperation] and Due to forces of Regulation [Fatalistic: Control of Society over Individual, Anomic: When you are numb to the society’s regulation] Excess attachment/detachment can make you do things. “I don’t fear death so much as I fear its prologues: loneliness, decrepitude, pain, debilitation, depression, senility. After a few years of those, I imagine death presents like a holiday at the beach.”

Okay, why free knowledge? You are just a medium of the action, you are not the source. They will make you do, what they want you to do. Let’s consider Religion! (NO PRAVACHAN) Religion. One of the best things it offers? Festivals! Image? Spending time with family or friends? Cakes or different items based on whichever religion you are a part of.

An interesting analogy/story whatever: Primitive men were wanders. They moved from place to place in search of food. Occasionally they came together. And when they do, they talk to each other, and interact which made them happy. They felt different which wasn’t experienced when they were the lone nomadic group. This developed into the state of collective effervescences. The feeling disappeared when they were separated. Primitive men explained this feeling with some supernatural presence. Primitive men became anxious and wanted to re-experience the feeling. An explanation of the force was a necessity. Hence a representation (Idols/ Totem/ Stones/ Trees). When they came closer to this representation, they experienced the same feeling. They celebrated togetherness. Symbolized. Depending on the kind of Totem they worshipped: Religion.

The same festival you are happy to celebrate doesn’t have any meaning when you are alone. Empty Diwali or EIDs, same as any other day. We long for togetherness. Always. We follow the same trend since time immemorial. There is another interesting theory between Protestants and Catholics given by Weber. Protestants are Christians who don’t believe in Church, unlike Catholics. Protestants have capitalist spirits and are generally richer than their counterparts. However, on average, all-Protestant counties have a suicide rate that is 14.5 suicides per 100,000 inhabitants higher than all-Catholic counties. Probably due to the absence of belief in the Church? The place for moral upliftment?? They are rich, yet prone to committing suicide. Just like in the normal scenario, the desire of a hopeless man. Or just another phrase for the absence of ‘Togetherness’? [Open for deductions :) You are smart enough to relate Suicide, Prosperity, Religion and Loneliness.

“Fire and water looked so lovely together. It was a pity they destroyed each other by nature.”]

As mentioned in the very first line itself, death is inevitable. You will die. Your near and dear ones will miss you. But remember, your absence will soon fade away. You will be reflected on the day you were born or the day you died. Eventually, that will fade out too. It doesn’t matter how you die, in some 5* Hospital Facilities or the roadside fate. What eventually matters is, whether you die near the people you love or die a loner. Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.

Given the unprecedented phase of life, why are we even looking for reasons for anything? :-)

Now why the context at all? There is hardly any evolution to this. Consciously in our genes imparted or bombarded by someone, we never met or never knew. There are things you hate to do. But you do it anyway because society whispered that it is right. Change this before you change in Part 1 of the blog! Catch the train before it’s late. Just ask them out or apologize for the mistakes you made. Just Do IT!

“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a journey. At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.”!

Remember the context, how early Romans were in fact the architects of the most sophisticated of inventions that happen now. Someone architected the life you are living right now, but the only thing we usually compromise with is OUR LOVE and/or OUR ASPIRATIONS. Everything has its own importance and timing. But the evolution from every aspect is a necessity. The first time you fell in love might be at a tender age doing silly things. But the truth is, it was the love for what you knew love to be. Evolution! Hence, silly things are stupid. The next one comes down with lessons, pains, lies, intimacies, and betrayal. But at least we think we know what we want or what we don’t. But someday, the final one just creeps in. NO Signs, NO Warnings. It just creeps in the most unusual way possible. Either it is beautiful or it is strange! Either you settle, or your REHEARSE from the beginning. Allowing society to mould you AND/OR feelings to fade out.

So, Let’s go home. Together.



Deba Prasad Badajena

An Engineer & Self Proclaimed : Writer | Poet | Sociologist