Deba Prasad Badajena
5 min readMar 13, 2021


Disclaimer: Not intended to any personality, living or dead. The correlation of the instances is a mere coincidence.

“Sometimes the weight you need to lose is not in your body. Fasting from people is also important. On any day, you are the weapon you need.”

But before coming to the story (let’s assume parts of life, precisely may not be mine XD), let’s set the plot and background right. Let us also accept (You can at least pretend) that you can’t rush good wine. It has to sit. And when you finally drink it, it’s the bomb. It’s worth the wait. P.S. Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is “timing” it waits on the right time to act, for the right principles, and in the right way.

So we will see this through the phases of wine fermentation.

  • The Objective.
  • The Procedure.
  • The Conclusion and Inference. (Open for discussions too)

*The Project*
So thinking this, I started my project. Umm ‘The Project Tiger’? Why Tiger? Try writing your first love letter to that one girl you fear the most. Not fear as in fear, those of my fellow homo sapiens who have ever fallen in love with a friend will know this fear for sure. “The fear of rejection”, “The fear of losing that one person you want in your life forever”, “The fear of..” anyways it requires a tiger’s guts to overcome this, so.
But, interestingly, sometimes you fall for one girl, and as it happens that one girl never sees that you have fallen for her. As a matter of fact, I have been looking at her ever since we joined the college. (Yeah, am not dumb enough not to be friends with her. But nothing beyond that.)

Thinking thus I started writing my first “rough” version.

Now, what should I write??? I mean it’s not that I didn’t have anything to write..in fact, had just too many things to write, but where do I start with?
Let’s talk about stupidity, or about building castles in the air Obviously, things we do in love are stupid anyway.

Not sure about you, but in my case, I was anything but the self I have known for years. “If I can throw the stone beyond the pole, she will definitely be my girlfriend”, “If I get three continuous heads, she likes me too” were just a few to start with.
Yeah, I have been into the FLAMES just to see if we were gonna have a future someday. Typically, my sort of astrological willingness. Honestly, I used to check for the short name, full name, the name we used to call her in different combinations just to get somewhere placed as LOVE or end up with MARRIAGE. (Don’t be judgemental now)

*The Title*
And the worst lie starts with — “Trust me, I am not like others.”

Remember the kid Dora from your childhood cartoon channel? Or at least the meme you saw somewhere else?
Well, we are DORA of our life. How do we not see the person right before us?? How do we tend to repeat the mistakes time and time again? How do we not see the right deserving homo sapien and end up looping the mess? Probably because we try to calculate love in the quantum world and recreate heaven on earth. Building castles in the air, always a fairyland move.

As an individual, you have a future, an aim. Something you have thought of all your life or at least for the majority part of it. But someday, someone invades your heart. Gradually, that invasion changes into colonization. You try to imagine and visualize them in your future. Things seem so damn perfect. Just like the way you have always wanted. Someone with you through your thick and thins. Same Dreams, But Different Perspectives. Promises delivered, Thoughts and Hope exchanged.

But after they vanish, even your dreams don’t seem to be yours anymore. It doesn’t seem exciting or fantasizing. You are deprived of your own happiness. You no more belong to your future. You lose your own identity, probably an existential crisis. Likely, Philophobia takes over.
Strange ehh?

Love isn’t what we need. Love is something we crave for. A paradox, how you are my greatest strength and worst weakness all at once. You wish for the impossible to happen. “Everybody knows that something’s wrong but nobody knows what’s going on.”

Typically, it’s not love, but the absence of the person we love that defines us. However, if you are loving someone who doesn’t love you back, it means you are waiting for a ship at an airport. You know, in the journey called life, there are no permanent friends, or permanent enemies, just permanent interests.

Not everyone you lose is a loss. You can’t drink poison just because you are thirsty.

*Engrossments and Fables*

“I have always assumed that love is a very dangerous disadvantage” — S H

Every person has traits. 36, as they say when they go for horoscope matching. Right? And then, there is a huge probability that some traits might match with the other person.
The moment you find those similarities, you might feel like “Kitni awesome hai yeh ladka/ladki.. we have so many similarities”

So there is just the probability, that if you two happen to notice similar traits, you ought to believe that you should be together. Else, you know how the story ends. We accept the love we think we deserve. Even a mirage is hope.

The point I wanna make is -
Pick any two people out of the 7 billion alive and definitely you can find more than 10 different traits common in both. Either in their food habits or traveling or hobbies or interests in painting or similar singer or movie genres etc. If nothing, the color of the outfit (Black and Blue is common for most)
You will find common traits. If you are lucky, you just notice these factors quicker and tend to fall for one another. Probably, dating is a sort of probability exploitation we fail to notice. XD. For instance, my project tiger would have never ceased to exist had it not been for the same college or school. (Probability of both scoring some marks to make them educate themselves in the same institution. :-P)
If you have met the right person, touchwood. Else, the possibility of a mere probability is always open. If you are damaged, you are dangerous. You know how to make hell feel like home.

I trust the next chapter because I know the author. P.S. Loving someone doesn’t make them deserve you. READ THAT AGAIN. Cheers.



Deba Prasad Badajena

An Engineer & Self Proclaimed : Writer | Poet | Sociologist